AcrossGen® Continuing our history
Family businesses are built on decades of experience, collective decision making and mutual trust. We believe in the power of values and convictions that have been passed on from generation to generation.
Family-owned companies
Many successful businesses are run by families that want to pass on a prosperous business to future generations.
The distinctive feature of family businesses is their combination of traditional values and a strategic perspective that extends over generations and is not merely focussed on the next quarter. These firms prioritise preserving the family's financial assets as well as intangible assets.
Their unique governance structure rooted in family ties has implications for their willingness to take risks, leading them to pursue stable growth, which is reflected in lower-than-average market volatility.
For more information on this topic, we invite you to read the study «The familial footprint in enterprise success».

The familial footprint in entreprise success
Quantitative analysis of family-owned businesses listed on stock markets.
When our values bring value to our clients
Would you like to know more about our management mandate AcrossGen that draws on our family history as established bankers and the business experience we have built through growing our bank?
We are at your side
Our specialists offer you a top-quality service to meet your requirements and help you reach your goals.